DIY Wall Decor: Create Custom Wallpaper with Stencils and Daydream Paint

Are you loving the new trend of wall paper in a room or as an accent piece, but you don't want the commitment or cost? Painting a pattern with a wall stencil  is a simple way to add pattern, texture, and interest to walls. Unlike traditional wallpaper, stencil wallpaper is hand-painted or stenciled onto surfaces.

Stencil wallpaper has a rich history dating back centuries, found in ancient Egyptian tombs and Renaissance-era European homes, gaining popularity as a customizable and cost-effective alternative in the mid-20th century.

Stenciling wallpaper offers versatility with a wide range of designs for a unique look that reflects your personal style. It allows for experimentation with colors, textures, and layering techniques, creating depth and dimension.

Another advantage of stenciling wallpaper is its cost-effectiveness. Rather than purchasing expensive wallpaper rolls, and the tools needed , you can create a stunning feature wall or accent area using just a few inexpensive materials, such as paint, stencils, and brushes. This makes it an excellent option for those on a budget or those who prefer a more hands-on, DIY approach to home decor. ( raises hand !!) 


When it comes to personal style, let your creativity shine through. If you gravitate towards minimalism, consider clean lines and simple shapes. For a more eclectic or bohemian feel, mix and match different stencil patterns . Don't be afraid to experiment and make the design truly your own.  I will share how I created a vintage inspired , imperfect, maximalist wall in this blog post

To create beautiful DIY stenciled wallpaper, you'll need the following materials:

- Stencils: Choose stencils that match your desired pattern or design. You can purchase pre-made stencils or create your own using stencil blanks or cardstock. I used a Damask Style stencil by Cutting Edge Stencils , you can find many options on Etsy and Amazon . Use the search term " Wall Stencil " 

- Paint: I used Manzanilla as the main color and then Ground Control and Rope Swing watered down as a wash -

Paint brushes: You'll need a variety of brush sizes and shapes-

 Paint trays or palettes: These will help you load and distribute the paint evenly. I used Pie Tins from the dollar store 

- Painter's tape: Use this to secure the stencils in place and protect areas you don't want painted.

- Drop cloths or plastic sheeting: Protect your floors and furniture from paint splatters. I didn't because I like to make my life hard 

- Sponges or dense foam rollers: These can be used for applying paint evenly over the stencil. These work great for stencils ,I also used a sea sponge to apply the gray wash . 

Scissors or a craft knife: For cutting and adjusting stencils as needed. 

- Stencil adhesive or repositionable spray adhesive: Helps keep the stencils in place while painting. I just used tape , but an adhesive spray would be easier to keep the stencil in place , especially if you want it perfect

A spray bottle with water for the paint wash 

My wall was already painted , I cleaned it well and filled in nail holes , how you prepare your wall really depends on the finished look you are going for , the stencil will hide a lot, but if you want it pristine then you may want your wall freshly painted . 

Read the instructions that came with your wall stencil. I started from the left and worked my way to the right , I again was not looking for it to be aligned perfectly  .. I lightly lined the stencil up , but I  wasn't concerned with perfection . If you are, then I highly encourage you to follow the stencils instructions .

Manzanilla Green from our Old World Collection curated by Girl in blue Designs 


I poured Manzanilla in a pie tin , then I used my Helen Brush , it is the perfect  stenciling brush , because it holds a lot of paint and it's dense synthetic bristles make it the right tool for the job 


# Painting Techniques

When it comes to applying paint through a stencil, there are several techniques you can use to achieve different effects. Here are some popular methods:

**Dry Brushing:** This technique involves lightly dipping a dry brush into paint and then brushing over the stencil. The dry brush deposits a thin layer of paint, creating a subtle, distressed look. Dry brushing is great for adding depth and texture to your stenciled design.

**Sponging:** Using a sea sponge or foam pouncer, dab paint over the stencil to create a mottled, textured effect. This technique is perfect for achieving a vintage or aged appearance. Experiment with different sponge types and apply varying amounts of pressure for unique results.

**Stencil Adhesive:** For a crisp, clean look, use a stencil adhesive spray or gel to temporarily adhere the stencil to the wall. This method ensures sharp edges and prevents paint from bleeding under the stencil. Once the paint dries, carefully remove the stencil, revealing a precise design.

**Stippling:** Load a stiff-bristled brush with paint and gently stipple (tap) the bristles over the stencil. This technique creates a dotted, textured pattern that can add visual interest to your design.

**Layering:** For a more complex and dimensional look, consider layering multiple colors or stencils. Start with a base color, then add additional colors or patterns using different stencils and painting techniques. This method allows you to create depth and blend various elements seamlessly.


For this wall I mainly used a combo of stippling and dry brushing to create more of a rustic faded look  


I continued on moving the stencil around and continuing the process of stenciling with Manzanilla 
After the wall was stenciled I left it to dry for a few days. One of the great features of Daydream Paint is it's ability to reconstitute with water, this allows beautiful blending abilities . For this project I did not want Manzanilla to smear so I Iet it set. Once our paint dries it is very durable ,so with in 24-48 hours it was ready to apply the wash
To create the wash I mixed Rope Swing and Ground Control in a dish with 
a little bit of water to a soup consistency . Then applied the wash on to the wall in sections . Then I used the sea sponge to blot the wash off to be more transparent so the pattern still is the main focus. 
I continued this process until I was satisfied with the finish , taking off  and adding the wash as I went along. Once I was satisfied I waited 24 hours for it to  dry and then I used Dream Coat to seal the wall. Once you've completed stenciling your wallpaper design, it's essential to protect your hard work and ensure its longevity. Sealing the wallpaper with a clear acrylic sealer such as Dream Coat  will not only enhance the vibrancy of the colors but also make it easier to clean and maintain. Apply the Dream Coat  in thin, even coats, allowing each layer to dry completely before adding the next.
I love how the room turned out, check it out !!
Here is a close up of the wall 


Decorating the room and pulling it together was the most fun 

While a well-executed stencil wallpaper can be long-lasting, it may not be as durable as traditional wallpaper. Avoid high-traffic areas or surfaces prone to moisture or abrasion and use Dream Coat our water based non yellowing sealer to protect the design and improve durability.


With proper preparation, technique, and maintenance, your stenciled wallpaper can remain a stunning and unique focal point in your home for years to come.  

Colors Used Manzanilla, Rope Swing and Ground Control 



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"Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams."

Paul Gauguin